How we work

aircraft-202280_640Global Logistics Management have a commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

Although the motor sports and air freight industries have a highly visible perceived impact on the environment GLM recognise that proper environmental standards begin at home.

GLM continue to improve their environmental management in recycling, renewable materials, solar energy and a reduction in their carbon footprint.

Already all GLM’s road fleet have the lowest carbon emissions in their respective classes and with the continuing improvements in engine and fuel efficiency this will only improve.

As for the air freight industry there is also still a long way to go but it’s worth noting note that flying services (freight and passengers) accounts for 2% of global CO2 emmissions. In addition, by 2020 the airline industry will be 25% more efficient and already aircraft are 50% quieter than just 10 years ago.

See below for some further statistics:

Aviation accounts for 2% of worldwide CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use, according to a forecast by the UN International Panel on Climate Change.
This could reach 3% by 2050. (Working Group III Report, IPCC May 2007, p. 6)

Transport in general accounts for 23% of global greenhouse gas emissions, behind the power and land use sectors and the same as the agriculture sector, according to the IPCC (Working Group III Report (May 2007).

Aviation is responsible for 12% of CO2 emissions from all transport sources, compared to 76% from road transport. (Stern Report Annex 7).

European aviation accounts for 0.5% of worldwide CO2 emissions. (‘EU Energy and Transport in Figures’, Eurostat 2004. Int’l aviation accounts for 2% of global manmade CO2 emissions.)

80% of aviation’s greenhouse gas emissions are related to passenger flights exceeding 1,500 km/900 miles, for which there is no practical alternative. (AERO modelling system, Pulles J.W. et al., 2004).

For further reference on the impact of flying on the environment please visit